Wednesday, October 17, 2007

NetLibrary eBook of the Month

Check out NetLibrary's eBook of the month, "Capitalism: As if the World Matters" by Jonathon Porritt.

From the publisher:
"As our great economic machine grinds relentlessly forward into a future of declining fossil fuel supplies, climate change and ecosystem failure, humanity, by necessity, is beginning to question the very structure of the economy that has provided so much wealth, and inequity, across the world. In this fresh, politically charged analysis, Jonathon Porritt wades in on the most pressing question of the 21st century – can capitalism, as the only real economic game in town, be retooled to deliver a sustainable future? Porritt argues that indeed it can and it must as he lays out the framework for a new ‘sustainable capitalism’ that cuts across the political divide and promises a prosperous future of wealth, equity and ecosystem integrity."