Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Welcome back. It is sizzling outside and things are heating up in the classroom as well, now that we are back at the start of a new semester.

The start of the semester is always a good time for reminders of things that may have slipped the mind over the summer, and of course we have new staff and faculty on board who may not know about some of the services offered by the library. With that in mind...

You Can Suggest Items for Purchase for the Library Collection!

The easiest way to do this is use our online form set up for this purpose. Just go to

and click on the link for Make a Request.

The form is self-explanatory but there are a couple of things to remember:

1. The more information you can provide, the easier it is for us to fulfill your request.

2. At a minimum, we need to know the title, the author, and the format (book, DVD, magazine).Library staff will also be happy to take this information directly from you.

It Is Time to Renew Your Home Access to the Library Databases!

We are happy to provide this service, but it does require that users make a new request as the login and passwords are changed every few months. Again, this is easily done online.Go to

From there you will have 2 options:

1. Click on the If You Use BlackBoard tab, and follow the instructions from there.

2. Click on the If You Do Not Use BlackBoard tab and follow the instructions from there.

Please note that if you do not use BlackBoard we have to verify that you are a GTCC student, faculty member, or staff member. This may mean a waiting period of usually not over 1 working day while we "check your credentials".

Staff and faculty, you can help us here. Please remind students that they have to renew their access even if they have previously had access.

You Can Place Material on Electronic Reserves for Use by Your Students!

That's right. Not only can you place hard copy/physical items on reserve, but you can even utilize cyberspace for those things you want the students to use.

Go to

and carefully review the Electronic Reserves FAQ. Everything you need to know to utilize this service is there one place.
Again, welcome back.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions about these or other library services. A directory of library staff, including contact information, can be found at