Monday, July 09, 2007

Friends of the GTCC Library

Join the Friends of the GTCC Library. The purpose of the Friends is to promote an interest in the GTCC Libraries among college faculty, students, alumni, and members of the community.

The group works to enhance the facilities and resources of the library through
  • exhibits
  • programs
  • special projects
  • publications
  • other appropriate means
It also nurtures support for the library through monetary contributions and other gifts.

Become a member!

Membership is open to all individuals and organizations who share in the purpose of the Friends.
Membership is for one academic year.
Membership categories and dues are:
  • a. Student Pal- $5.00
  • b. Friend - $25.00
  • c. Advocate -$50.00
  • d. Champion- $125
Membership dues may be paid by cash or check or by gifts in kind (the Executive Board will determine the category of membership for gifts in kind.)

The GTCC Foundation is the recipient and custodian of all funds and gifts.

Donations will be made to the GTCC Library.

What do I get by becoming a member?
  • Well, satisfaction that you are helping us!
  • Travel opportunities.
  • Notification of programs.
  • A T-shirt with our bookworm logo in the size of your choice.
  • Access to the library's online information resources.
Think about it!